Modernize Digital Invoicing System

Services used
Designing & Development
Partners used

Maple Labs is a cloud-based professional services company that works with customers in many different industries and countries. Like many companies, invoicing was a struggle and a wholistic solution was needed. Maple Labs partnered with cloudEQ to define a solution. The project would create a fully modernized invoicing system with a centralized data repository, security and customer interface.

Client's Goals
Before working with cloudEQ, Maple Labs, a professional services company focused on cloud infrastructure management, was tracking data and invoices in various locations like Excel and email and did not have clear visibility into revenue and projections. Although they could track individual companies in their systems, the dispersed customer data meant that they had no ability to forecast company revenue.

Maple Labs decided to work with cloudEQ because they loved the model, a SAS based solution that can easily scale. cloudEQ created Maple eBooks on an AWS platform that provides customers the ability to pay their invoices on-line leveraging the new SSL encrypted application. cloudEQ created both desktop and mobile versions to make invoicing compatible on all devices.

Digitizing invoicing makes everything easier; from adding new clients to receiving payments securely online via Stripe. With Maple eBooks they can manage important documents, track revenue per client, easily address overdue payments and monitor total company revenue. These benefits ultimately save Maple Labs and their clients a lot of time.


Before this system was built, Excel, email and written documents were the three primary ways for managing the invoicing process. New automated workflows to invoice and find the data reduced processing time by 50%.

  • Automated invoicing, email reminders, and tracking of overdue payments
  • Cloud based solution allows data to be accessible anywhere
  • Easily scalable to grow as Maple Labs’ business grows
The initial goals for the solution

Tracking all invoices in one system

Digitizing the invoicing process

Have visibility into total revenue

Protect online payments

  • Processing invoices in multiple systems with no true tracking availability
  • Time consuming to send invoices and receive payments
  • Manual Processes for adding and tracking invoices
It took 4 months to build the system and with an additional month of testing it was ready for customers to use. cloudEQ created multiple options to allow customers the best user experience depending on the type of services Maple Labs is delivering. The system has workflow automation to create efficiencies and support Maple Labs accounting team. Downloadable invoices are a convenience for them and their customers. Speed to revenue, efficiencies and customer satisfaction were all delivered with the Maple eBooks digital invoicing system created by cloudEQ.
  • 100% secure platform
  • Cost effective system
  • Easy setup and guides for how to use the system
  • Created invoices to be downloaded in PDF Format
  • System is fully SSL secure
  • All invoicing is cloud-based
  • Real-time dashboard for analytics
  • Accessible from online and mobile

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